Thursday 6 January 2011

Opening sequence final


  1. The close up shots help show the emotion of the character really well. To improve maybe try using some different angles for camera shots.

  2. Your film opening is very simple but very effective. The actor keeps in character the whole time which sells her emotions very well to the audience. I think your close ups of the character gave off her emotion very well but also i think to improve you could have used more angles and different camera shots on her to have a range of different shots.

  3. I think this film opening is really good, the music gives it a real effect. It was emotional the acting was decent, also the close ups used of the dripping taps to introduce credits worked really well. However, even though it is spot on, the first scene does drag on a little bit, and maybe to add more effect to it you could have cut it shorter. But the fact that you haven't introduced the character she is talking about gives suspense and makes you want to find out who he is later on in the film. Also the shot of the characters shadow running adds an eery effect, the font used seems appropriate to the setting and mood. So over all I think it is a good piece that displays emotion well and was well shot.

  4. Your video contains a lot of emotion, and the actor worked well to keep this emotion. The music works very well, and really compliments the actors emotions. The close-ups work very well, but maybe you could have added different angles in. Overall, good video

  5. I really enjoyed watching you film opening, it is very emotional and despite the camera being mainly focussed on the girl at most points the variety of camera angles you have used has made it very interesting and effective. I also like how it flicks to the tap every now and then, this looks really effective.

    The music also ties in very well with the film and promotes her feeling of sadness, the script usedsounds very realistic and the actor carries it off well.

    The plot of your film is very clear and interesting, to improve maybe add a few more titles but very good overall

  6. This opening sequence is really emotional, you have made the situation really clear, the acting was really good and the music ties in with the story line, creating an emotional and tense atmosphere.
    A few more titles could be added to improve your title sequence overall.

  7. Your opening sequence has an effect as soon as you start watching it. It is an emotional opening and you never really find out who the girl is talking about it and it makes you want to know.

    The framing and the shots that are used have worked really well and there is a lot of angles that have been used.

    The acting has made this film because she never comes out of character which makes it flow and you dont become bored.

    Only thing to maybe improve on is to cut down the talking part because it did tend to start to drag a little bit or maybe had things going on in between.

    Overall excellent piece of work.

  8. Hello Maria,

    The opening sequence you have produced is really emotional and I think that the close ups of your character really adds to the atmosphere however a few more angles and shots would have helped to the film opening to add more interest.

    Lily’s Comments
