Monday 29 November 2010

detailed evaluation of Six Feet Under

Six feet under

 The opening titles of Six feet under Start with a blank blue sky and a single black bird flying across the shot as the music starts to play, it then tilts down to a lone tree on the top of a hill with a blurred vignette effect around the edges of the shot, this creates more focus onto the tree rather than the empty spaces at the edge of the shot. The tree then becomes out of focus as the shot zooms back to reveal two hands holding on to each other, which then get torn apart from each other and drift from each other in slow motion. It the fades to black and the next shot shows another pair of hands,well lit the are being washed. The hands are in extreme close up and to the far left third of the frame. Then a slow tilt upwards reveals a pair of feet on a hospital table in medium close up  with a tag on the right foot.As this shot fades out another shot of a blue sky is revealed which quickly cuts back to an extreme close up of a wobbly wheel in a hospital corridor which then cuts to a medium close up of the wheels and trolley, showing more of the corridor and an unfocused figure standing in the distance.It then shows the feet on the hospital trolley being pushed toward a light at the end of the corridor, which gives the effect of life ending and the typical 'light at the end of the tunnel' scenario. The next few shots are extreme close ups of different implements at the hospital, all of which have a slightly blue hue to them creating a cold and eerie effect to the shots. The camera then cuts to an unfocused extreme close up shot of an eye facing toward the ceiling and slowly comes into focus. There is then, yet another,close up of a bunch of white flowers wilting away and moulding,the background and surround areas are out of focus making the main focus on the middle flower wilting and dying.As they die completely dips to black creating a good effect of them failing to exist at all after they have  died. The blackness is then relieved with the opening of the door to a hurst,with a coffin on the right of the shot.An extreme and slightly unfocused shot of a hind pulling out the coffin is faded out to a shot of a dark,grey gravestone with the sky in medium close up on the left of the frame with titles on the right of the frame balancing out the shot so that the is not too much of an empty space. The is then a low shot of the back of the hurst with the sun shining through the back window, the dark and sad nature of the hurst contrasts with the shining which is commonly associated with summer and happiness creating an imaginative juxtaposing frame. The next shot is a slow focus of two photo frames with silhouetted images in them, creating a distant and mysterious effect. The next frame is an extreme close up of a bird's claw, it is black and i assume that it a Crow or Raven ad both of these bird are associated with death or omens. A swipe of people walking across the frame carrying a coffin is used to change the shot from the bird's claw to a shot of another gravestone in a cemetery. You the see the face of the Raven in the cemetery  with the background out of focus. The final shot is that of the sky then panning round to the same shot at the beginning  of the tree with the Raven flying across the shot.

(still to write about music + atmosphere)